UPDATED 20160704 10:52:37

Our `Preparation for IELTS' course is a full-cost course designed primarily for international students who require an IELTS test certificate in order to meet university entry requirements. This course has also been accredited by the British Council for the teaching of English. If you require a specific band for university entry then our professional teachers will be able to provide expert advice and guidance on how to improve your English level. Maximum class size: 20. Taught hours per week: 21

Course information

Name: PREPARATION FOR IELTS Qualification title: - Qualification type: No qualification Assessment Courses begin in September (35 weeks), January (21 weeks), and April (9 weeks) The course is taught from Monday to Friday, 4 taught hours a day between 09:00 and 16:30. There will be taught sessions, group working and research and workshops. Awarding - Created 20160704 10:52:37 Updated 20160704 10:52:37

Entry requirements

You will need to purchase the following textbooks to study this course (available to buy at the College for a discount price of £60 for all three): Mike Boyle & Ellen Kisslinger, Macmillan Academic Skills; Skillful Listening and Speaking 3 Student's book 9780230431959; Mike Boyle & Ellen Kisslinger, Macmillan Academic Skills Skillful Reading and Writing 3 Student's book 9780230431966; Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig Oxford University Pres New English File Upper-Intermediate; Raymond Murphy English Grammar in Use. Please note that students will be required to pay £150 to register for each official IELTS test exam that they choose to take. Equipment required You will need to purchase the following textbooks to study this course (available to buy at the College for a discount price of £60 for all three): Mike Boyle & Ellen Kisslinger, Macmillan Academic Skills; Skillful Listening and Speaking 3 Student's book 9780230431959; Mike Boyle & Ellen Kisslinger, Macmillan Academic Skills Skillful Reading and Writing 3 Student's book 9780230431966; Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig Oxford University Pres New English File Upper-Intermediate; Raymond Murphy English Grammar in Use. Please note that students will be required to pay £150 to register for each official IELTS test exam that they choose to take.


Further Education
01582 477776



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