IT Professionals, Advanced Apprenticeship

UPDATED 20160609 10:14:26

What will I do on this apprenticeship? Apprenticeships are all about learning on the job - getting paid while you get qualified. You'll learn from your employer while you're at work, and unlike a lot of apprenticeships, you won't even have to come into college. You will usually need to do a number of qualifications including the Level 3 in IT and a Technical Certificate which will involve subjects to do with your work. You will look at defining system requirements, software design, ICT system security and working with IT hardware. How will I be assessed? We will assess you with skills tests, observing you work, assignments and projects. Your personal assessor will visit you in your workplace to review your progress and make sure you are on target to get your qualifications. What options do I have after successfully completing? Next step study options IT Higher Apprenticeships in or further learning in other business area, such as finance, business or sales Applied Computing Foundation Degree in followed by an Honours top-up year - both delivered at Weston College. Job/career opportunities The demand for ICT has never been greater, so developing your skills in this area is one of the best career moves you could make. The skills you learn on your apprenticeship will be valuable wherever there are computers and communications technology, which is just about everywhere. On the Advanced Level Apprenticeship you could work as a software/web developer, creating software applications and websites, or as a software tester, testing applications before they are released.

Course information

Name: IT Professionals, Advanced Apprenticeship Qualification title: Diploma in Professional Competence for IT and Telecoms Professionals (QCF) Qualification type: Assessment Awarding Pearson Education Ltd (Formerly EDEXCEL) Created 20160609 10:14:26 Updated 20160609 10:14:26

Entry requirements



Further Education
01934 411 411


Knightstone Road Town: Weston Super Mare County:North Somerset

Learning aims

Title: Diploma in Professional Competence for IT and Telecoms Professionals (QCF) Qualification: Diploma in Professional Competence for IT and Telecoms Professionals (QCF) Classification: Information and Communication Technology

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