Accountancy, Intermediate Apprenticeship

UPDATED 20160609 10:14:25

What will I do on this apprenticeship? Apprenticeships are all about learning on the job. You'll spend most of your week with your employer learning about accountancy as you work, and come to college from time to time. You will do a number of qualifications including the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Foundation qualification. You will spend either one day or two evenings per week at college. You will cover a number of units which could include making records of payments, working with computers, preparing ledger balances and supplying management information. How will I be assessed? We will assess you with skills tests, observations, assignments and projects. Your personal assessor will visit you in your workplace to review your progress and make sure you are on target to get your qualifications. What options do I have after successfully completing? Progress to Accounting, Advanced Apprenticeship A stand-alone Level 3 Diploma in Accounting. Job/career opportunities Job roles in accountancy vary but after successfully completing this training you could work as a trainee accountant or a trainee accounting technician. Depending on whether they're keeping track of one person's or a global corporation's finances, there are several things that accountants can do to help their clients' businesses. This variety often makes it an attractive profession to pursue. You could work in literally any industry, and apply your skills to any business type - from large public sector companies and major corporations, to football clubs and small media firms. Whatever type of company you want to work for, they will always need the services of an accountant.

Course information

Name: Accountancy, Intermediate Apprenticeship Qualification title: Certificate in Accounting (QCF) Qualification type: Assessment Awarding Association of Accounting Technicians Created 20160609 10:14:25 Updated 20160609 10:14:25

Entry requirements



Further Education
01934 411 411


Knightstone Road Town: Weston Super Mare County:North Somerset

Learning aims

Title: Certificate in Accounting (QCF) Qualification: Certificate in Accounting (QCF) Classification: Business, Administration and Law

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